

The time for crab grass pre-emergent herbicides is quickly approaching if not already here.  For most regions across the US, the best time to start applying these pre-emergent products is after your soil temperatures have reached at least 55˚F.  The easiest way to check this is to use a meat thermometer and stick it in the ground 4 inches or as far as you can get it for an accurate read.

Currently at My Lawn Supply we offer two pre-emergent options:

Each of these products will provide superior crab grass prevention when used properly.  When applying these products, you want to use enough water to get even coverage across the lawn.  When using a pump or electric sprayer, you want to use a minimum of 1 gallon water per 1,000 square feet.  Electric sprayers such as backpack or ATV spot sprayers are generally best because they spray a consistent volume of water throughout the entire area.  You can also opt to use a hose end sprayer, although it may be more difficult to get the amount of even coverage you would get from the other type of sprayer. Water in with ½ inch of water within 24 hours for best results

Both of these pre-emergent products can be applied in you landscape beds, check the label for plant compatibility.  Another benefit of applying these liquid products is they can be applied with liquid fertilizer.  These products can even be applied with a post-emergent herbicide if you already have weeds present in the yard. 

Mixing Instructions

  1. Always read the label prior to applying.
    Begin with a clean spray tank. Fill the spray tank one-half full of clean water and add the required amount of Pre-Emergent. Cap sprayer and agitate to ensure mixing. Uncap sprayer and finish filling tank to desired level. Cap sprayer and agitate again. During application it is desirable to agitate the mixture on occasion to ensure mixing. If the spray mixture is allowed to settle for any period of time, agitate thoroughly before spraying is resumed.
    Before mixing, always test small quantities using a simple jar test. Add the required amount of Pre-Emergent to a half-filled spray tank while agitating; then add the fertilizer product. Complete filling spray tank to desired level.

For this exercise we are going to focus on Ike’s Sandbur & Crabgrass Preventer.

Turf Application Schedule

Cool & Warm Season Grasses:

Late Winter/Early Spring as soil temperatures approach 55˚F

  • Sandbur & Crabgrass Preventer – 1.6oz/1,000 sq ft

5-8 weeks later as soil temperatures climb above 65˚F

  • Sandbur & Crabgrass Preventer – 1.1oz/1,000 sq ft
    • An additional application of 1.1oz/1000 sq ft may be made for extended goosegrass control 8 weeks after second application.  (If initial application is 1.1oz/1000 sq ft)

Late Summer/Fall as soil temperatures fall to 70˚F

  • Sandbur & Crabgrass Preventer – 1.6oz/1,000 sq ft
    • An additional application of 1.1oz/1000 sq ft may be made for extended Poa Annua (weed) control 5-8 weeks after initial application

Total Usage:

  • Sandbur & Crabgrass Preventer
    • 3 apps – 4.3oz/1000 sq ft (32 oz will cover 7,440 sq ft)
    • 4 apps – 5.4oz/1000 sq ft (32 oz will cover 5,925 sq ft)
    • 5 apps – 6oz/1000 sq ft (32 oz will cover 5,330 sq ft)

The number of applications that you will make will depend on the severity of your weed seed population.  If this is your first year applying a pre-emergent and you have been battling with weeds for some time, then you may want to go with 4-5 applications to reduce the amount of in season spot sprays.  As you continue to apply a pre-emergent and spot spray for any post emergence needs, your applications can reduce to 3, maybe even 2 per year.

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